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Brother Qin, what happened to you just now Wen Xuan, who was waiting with Zi Yan, couldn t help frowning when he saw Qin Yan who had returned to normal again.

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It seemed that Zi Yan deliberately hid it, and it seemed that the blue light disappeared on its own.If these puppets attack together, Qin Yan Yan didn t know if he could resist it.

If so A few old guys come here, and I won t sell them if they don t have 10,000 yuan.You, an old senior, are ashamed to intervene. While Fan Mo was oppressing Xiang Yunyun with a strong momentum, Wu Ying beside him, Then, an Cbd Weed Stands For astonishing aura burst out from within his body, which was slightly stronger than Fan Mo s, directly enveloping Yun Yun in it, and said to Fan Mo in a cold voice.

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Yun Yun had noticed the four puppets following Qin Yan early in the morning, but these four puppets had no cultivation, and their powerful aura had all been restrained according to Qin Yan s order.

These things are rare in auctions. They shouldn t have much impact on other people.I really thought we would believe your nonsense. Fan Li s expression was gloomy, and he naturally wouldn t believe Qin Yan.

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Qin Yan dare not gamble with luck, so he asked Master Kongfan to refine this Xuanling Pagoda for himself.In the absence of pressure, the speed at which Wen Xuan and Li Yang Patriarch broke through the formation naturally slowed down.

Congratulations Fellow Daoist Qin Yan is really generous.In this way, Qin Yan How could Yan let go of the magic burial.

Qing Ling shook her head. If that s the case, it seems that there is no other way now.

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